Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hi Ladies,

Is the blustery Pooh bear weather over?! It was
WINDY!!! Now it's just COLD! I know it's not officially Winter yet, but
it certainly feels like it is!!!

Jingle is FRISKY in this cold
weather! ; ) And, he's been having a high old time charging around
after leaves blowing in the wind. He looked rather majestic sitting in
the backyard this evening, waiting to be walked, with snow flakes
swirling around him.

The Christmas tree is in our studio. It's
in the stand, & it has blue lights on it. This evening Scott &
I began adding ornaments. So far, no glass Christmas balls, nothing too
fragile, sentimental or old.Jinlge has been good with it...no peeing...so far. Shelby dips her paw in the water from the tree stand & drinks.

been playing Christmas carols, doing gift wrapping, & gift buying
too. Are your homes busy with Holiday activities too? I hope you're
festive & jingling around with cheer & good will. : )

- your apron sounds neat-o! How did it turn out? Did you take it over
to Cloth & Bobbin? And, look @ you starting to quilt the Irish
Cottages project! That's SEW cool!!! : ) Way to go, girlfriend!

have been working on the baby Star quilt. I have 18 Templar-ed stars so
far. I need to wait for my Hancock's shipment to arrive. There are
other solid colored fabrics that need to be delivered before I can
continue - mainly yellow! I have my measurements calculated for the
front with borders & for the backing too. The batting ready & I
got thread @ Cloth & Bobbin the other week.

I too am doing a
few Christmas-y projects. How are the other QM elves progressing with
their gift making? I miss you guys with no Bee tonight. Looking forward
to next week!
Piecefully, Pam


quiltmamajb said...

Hey, girls....folks are pretty quiet on the blog lately....are you still out there? Anyone, Bueller, Frye? Peggy is battling a big slump - we need to kick her butt! I'll host next Tuesday - it's the Christmas party planning bee - we also need to baste a few projects - so I'll have tables set up in the basement - we're going to help LA but if anyone else has anything...many hands made light work. That's sounds very Amish and quilt-like. Consuelo was back in the witness chair yesterday - how did it go? I hear tell that she and Mare were supposed to go to the Big Apple tonight to see a show - did you make it with the snow? How about that snow - was I not paying attention - I didn't even know we were supposed to have any - OY! Put the binding on the Irish blocks last night - yahoo! Still want to do some detail quilting but in case I get sick of it(or run out of time) - it's ready to roll as is (as soon as I whipstitch the binding). Peg - Megan home soon? SJU kids finish class on Monday - wow! Mare - how about Nicole? Cath - hope things are going well with you. Mike called here last night and sounded terrible...bad cold? Yuck! Just finished all my fourth grade homework and now I can go up and sew for a while. Have a lovely evening ladies - and hope tomorrow's commute isn't too terrible - or in Pam's case - tonight's ride - be careful! Lori and LA - super job on the Santa Shop today! Piece...

quiltmamajb said...

Forgot to mention...Friday night is Narberth's night out or something. All the shops will be open later (9:00 pm)for customers, there will be music and refreshments. Johanna is displaying lots of quilts that folks have lent her - including a beautiful Trip Around the World made by Cathy. Might be fun to stop by and check out some of the other shops as well. I also got an email that Lonni Rossi is having a sale/shopping night - 20% off on Friday from 7 to 9 - she's located on Rittenhouse Place in Ardmore. I might try to hit both places - depends on the weather, I suppose but I'd like to - if anyone wants to come along. Piece...