The weather is a bit dreary. The rain has made my weeds grow! : / I had to put laundry in the dryer today. I hate doing that! Momma Barb always says this is good sewing weather though!!!
Here is a photo of my completed TATW class sample! : ) I gave it to Johanna this morning @ Cloth & Bobbin.
I decided to "roll" my pinned rows rather than hold them on my lap or leave them drape across my work surface. This seemed to work really well for me. I didn't get stuck by any pins! I rolled it behind the sewing machine as it was being stitched too. Then, I had this neat rolled row & plucked my pins out of the roll instead of splaying the row across my sewing table to de-pin.
To manage ALL those strips of fabrics (think jelly rolls, Dolores...) I hung them on my old clothes drying rack & positioned it next to my sewing machine. Magic! ; )
Enjoy your day!
Piecefully, Pam
Pam--Your TATW looks awesome!!!
Have a good day!
Pam - the laundry rack is a great idea - and seeing all those strips makes me want to just dive in and start sewing. The fabrics are great. Looking forward to seeing what folks are working on - can't wait till Saturday morning. Enjoy the emerging sunshine. Piece....
You are a sick woman.....
Pam I was at Cloth and Bobbin yesterday and she had your quilt on the table, it looks great and I love the cup cakes. I'll see everyone on Saturday
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