Monday, January 5, 2009

Saving Santa!!!

Good Morning Girls,

Over breakfast this morning Scott told me about a blow mold Santa that was out on the curb awaiting trash pick-up...Jingle & I promptly walked right down the road & SAVED him!!!  : )  Santa is living in our potting shed presently...shhh, don't tell!  ; )

Some days are better than others.  This is a GREAT one!!!  I've been shopping for Santa blow molds for months now, then this happens.  I'm doing the happy dance!  If anyone knows of a Santa, sleigh & reindeer blow mold set that is ready to find a new home, PLEASE, give me a holler!!!

I can only hope your day is filled with such glee & joy!
Piecefully, Pam  


Lori said...

Hi everyone!! NOt to sound stupid or anything, but Pam what exactly is a BLOW MOLD??? Based on your rescued Santa picture, I would guess that it is the older hard plastic molded yard figurines that some had a hole with a light in the back or bottom, but I'm not sure!!
I am putting away Christmas decorations today. I feel like I just put them up. I didn't get the tree dedecorated until this AM because John decided to take down the outside lights on Sat. and got them as far as the living room until AFTER the Eagles game last night!! I'm not kidding we had the 3 reindeer grazing in our living room in front of the tree that still had all of the gifts under it!! I better get back to the boxes so the kids can get in the front door when the get home from school!!

sewpam63 said...

Lori - You're EXACTLY right!!! They're kinda hard to find. And, shipping from anywhere not local is pretty steep. So, I'm continuing my hunt... ; ) I LOVE the idea of the reindeer grazing in your living room, by the tree & gifts! Isn't that PERFECT!?

Is there a Bee tomorrow night or any time this week? I can host. Is anyone game? Tomorrow? If here, same mantra as last week, "don't mind the dust bunnies, please!" ; )

I have pork & sauerkraut in the crockpot. It smells GOOD, but stinky... Does that make sense? Do you guys eat pork & kraut for the New Year too, or is it just a PA Dutch tradition? Piecefully, Pam

quiltmamajb said...

Pam - thanks for offering to host tomorow night - I have to take Kelly to karate from 7 to 8 - maybe I can swing by after that.....I took a class with her on Saturday - kind of a trial. I now know the Grip of Death move - in case anyone attacks me from behind! OY! I dropped my machine at Hayes' on Saturday afternoon - around 2:30 or so. Loretta called this afternoon to say it was finished - and I picked it up this evening at 8:00 - thank goodness Monday is their late night...ALL HAIL TREVOR and the LADIES - THEY ROCK!!!!!! Have a nice Tuesday, ladies.....piece.