Thursday, September 12, 2013

My day so far.....

Up early, I even packed my gym bag in plenty of time. Finish up at the gym at 7:45, chat with my boss on my way to getting cleaned up. Pulling my clean clothes out of my bag....panicky, sinking underwear! OY! What? I had packed a pair of slacks and later on, thought - oh, it's going to be so hot, I'll swap that out for a skirt. My underwear is folded inside the swapped out slacks on my bed. Say the S word a few times. OK...think, think. No choice.....commando it is. Luckily, I have a tank top and a blouse over it. I get dressed, hold my blouse closed and stop in my boss' office. 'Hopefully, this is the most inappropriate thing I will ever say to you.....I forgot my bra and have to go home'. She bursts out laughing and says go home - no worries. Oy.....I'm about 50 shades of red at this point. Hop in the van and head home, conversing with God and begging for an accident free trip home - because I would die of embarrassment! Get dressed, pulling out of the driveway, realize that my glasses are on the bed. Inside again, back in the car.....start up the street and my gas light comes on....where's my purse? Locked in my desk at's 9:35 and I think I need a drink!

Wishing you a nice day.....


Consuelo said...


If it makes you feel any better, I was supposed to pick up Matt and a friend at school at 3:00 today. When did I 3:00. How close is his new school....not close enough haha. 30 minutes late. First time picking him up at school. Yes, felt like a loser mom. Now I have notes everywhere reminding me that I have a hair appt tomorrow. Is there a patron saint for forgetfulness ;-)

Lori said...

Hey Jean, I hope today goes better than yesterday! As I was reading your post I was thinking, man if she stays at work all day in a SKIRT with no!

Jean Burke said...

To be fair - it was a skort - I'm not Miley Cyrus!!!!