Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy President's Day....

Or just Monday.....what's new ladies? Did everyone have a nice weekend? Dolores and Lori - did you get up to the Country Store? Were they asking for us? LA - how was your meeting at Richard's house? Sadly, it wasn't covered in the News of Delaware County. Lois - have you and George mapped out your trip yet? I'm anxious to hear your details. Phillies' pitchers and catchers reported to training camp over the weekend.....spring is just around the corner. Yay! Consuelo - I've become hooked on Downton Abbey...the season finale was on last night. I dvr'd it - but I have a few more to watch before I watch that one.....lots of scheming, heartbreak, war, love, sadness.....all that good stuff - all done by proper Brits. Pam posted about meeting with their'll be so interesting to see what he comes up with. I finished my beach houses top that I was working on at Cathy' is everyone else making out with their projects? Consuelo - have you gifted the sudoku quilt yet? Dolores - is Lady Gaga finished?? Wishing you a nice week.......going to be 65 on Friday - break out the bikinis!!! (or at least the t-shirts). Piece.....

Check out this quilt that a woman made for her son - so cool!!!!

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