Friday, April 19, 2013

Various Friday thoughts....

It has been an interesting week.....have a few thoughts knocking around in my head.....

Still trying to process the horror of the events on Monday.....incredible sadness, righteous anger, heartsickness.....reading the stories of heroic citizens, watching the Boston Bruins crowd sing the national anthem the following evening and other images have helped restore my faith in humanity. Humans are truly blessed with 'superhuman' strength when needed.

Saw LA happily (?) boarding the eighth grade class trip bus this morning at Sacred Heart! Hope they're having a great day in NYC. Spotted Fitz too...

Worried about a good friend's health problem/concern - prayers were offered.

Cardinal O'Hara's prom is this evening - wishing all prom-goers a fun and safe night!!

Felt a tremendous frustration with the senators who voted against background checks for folks purchasing guns - seems like a common-sense idea, which 90% of the American people support. Just finished writing to each of those 46 senators to express that frustration - using words like moral cowardice.....does is make a difference? I doubt it - but silence accomplishes nothing.

This is our 992nd about that? 

Got a bill from the ambulance company today - $1013 - ouch. The funniest part - the bill was $963 for the ride - and $50 for mileage - really?

Enough thinking.....seems a good evening to perhaps sit on the front porch with a Corona and think happier thoughts......wishing you all a great weekend! Peace.....

Will leave you with this.....

1 comment:

Lori said...

Nice post Jean. Impressive that you wrote to all the senators. What was the saying that you posted a few back about common sense not growing in everyone's garden? Baffles me that they fight NOT to outlaw semiautomatics and try to link it to hunters...who hunts with a semiautomatic??
Everything went well for the prom goers! I can't believe they are that old!