Friday, July 31, 2009

Hello, girls! How is everyone. Never made it to the Hershey show...more about that later. Read this today and had to share:

My neighbour is washing her windows, and scrubbing and washing her floors ...
But my home is all topsy turvy and dust is behind all the doors.
My neighbour she keeps her house spotless and she goes round all day at a trot,
But no one would know in a fortnight if she swept it today or did not.
The task I am at is enticing,
My neighbour is worn to a rag,
I am making a quilt out of pieces
I have stowed in a pretty chintz bag.
And the quilt I know my descendants will display with great pride in their heart ...
"So lovely O my grandmother made it. An example of patience and art."
But will her grandchildren remember her struggle with dirt and decay?
They will not ... they will wish that she had made them A quilt like I'm making today!

So cool....think about it this weekend!


1 comment:

Micki said...

I love that poem...Yes, I hope that I am remembered through my qults and work in that way.
Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.