Monday, January 22, 2007

Good Morning Girls,

I am doing that crazy "up all night @ home" gig. : ) Scott went back to work tonight, & I return tomorrow. : / We enjoyed the second half of our quiet week's vacation @ HOME! : )

Jingle is doing better. Thanks. He was SICK on Friday morning & we were pretty concerned about him. By Saturday he was back to his usual self. No call from the Vet, so that's good. He'll need a follow up appointment next week. He's taking his antibiotic & we're using a cream on him too. We have begun daily cat & dog meetings @ the gate. It's not going too badly. We also brought Jingle into the dining room while Scott & I worked on a puzzle @ the dining room table. We brought his bed in & I SO didn't think he'd lie down on it, but he did! : ) He LOVES the snow!!!

I am making sweet & spicy Italian sausages with peppers & tomatoes in the crock pot for dinner tonight. YUM! I also cooked down a crook neck pumpkin & need to run it through my canning funnel. Then I'll freeze it. I did laundry, which included some new fabrics! ; ) I did some more free motion quilting too. : ) All sorts of things going on here in the wee hours!!!

SEW...I did some FMQ this afternoon with my Trip project & BSR foot. Before I began, I thought, "Hmmm, I should maybe do a practice piece to warm up...nah! Maybe I should change my needle...nah!" An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!!! I free motioned quilted for a half hour & spent an hour un-sewing it!!! The tension was ALL loopy on the back. The needle needed to be changed!!! I was saying some BLUE words... So, I nicely cleaned & oiled my machine, gave it a new needle & stitched for just a little bit before it was time for us to nap.

Jean - GLAD to hear that your Garden top is DONE!!! Do you have the back ready too? Do you want us to help baste it on Tuesday...? Just a thought.

Mare - get your sewing machine OUT! The holidays are OVER, and you got some new fabrics!!! Let's SEW girl! ; )

Peggy - just 2 days!!! You're going to be WILD(er) @ Quilt Mama's this week!!! : )

Looking forward to QM's @ Cathy's on Tuesday!
Have a good week, girls!
Piece, Pam


Maureen said...

OK...I want the sausage crock pot recipe. Can you bring it Tuesday? Thanks! Also I've started work on my naked lady, get ready for greatness.....

quiltmamajb said... words in the middle of the night! Isn't it a bite in the as$ to have to take all that stitching out!? I'm really looking forward to seeing it tomorrow night. I do not have the back done for the garden quilt - I have to piece it from a few different fabrics. And I had to order a batt online - it'll be here in a few days. I'm starting to work on the photo quilt tonight. I'm intrigued by Consuelo's reference to her naked lady. Hoping she makes an appearance tomorrow night as well. Hope your first night back isn't too crazy....take it easy.....see you tomorrow night.