Sunday, August 19, 2007

Good Evening Girls,

Thanks for blogging!!! It was SO/SEW fun to read!!! Tuesday's Bee sounded like a real stitch!!! : ) Sorry to have missed it. Glad if I could add a little pandemonium, uh, paMdemonium to the gather with just a phone call! ; )

Meghan Mary Carney is HOME!!! : ) HIP, HIP HOORAY!!! Glad for the email, Peggy, thanks! I DON'T know how you Mom's do it...?!

I too am home! I had a FABULOUS time @ Sewing Camp!!! : ) I learned a LOT! We were BUSY!!! I need a nap! ; )

I return to work starting tomorrow. Work IS a 4 letter word. I know this doesn't sound very nice, but I'm glad rain is forecasted for the upcoming week. It makes going back a bit easier...

I will write more another time. Looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday @ Mo's. I have to catch up!!!

Piecefully, Pam


Cathy said...

Welcome home Meghan Mary and Pam.
Glad everyone is safe and sound.
Can't wait to see everyone Wed.
Great sewing weather.

Lori said...

Hi everyone--
We made a spur of the moment trip to the shore this weekend. Just early Sat. AM til this evening. We got home about 6PM. I had John stop at C and C. They didn't have any sherbert quilt kits and the pumpkin sample was down. I asked about the kits-I was going to pick one up for LA, but they didn't have any. The woman who waited on me (after chatting with her friend at the register while ignoring me at the cutting counter) was not very helpful AT ALL!! Didn't seem to know what pumpkin kit etc. I wouldn't have minded browsing more, but Lindsay and I left John and the boys waiting in the car. I wanted to pick up some black for the autism quilt. I didn't think I had enough. Got what we needed so that was good. Not much else. Looking forward to seeing everyone at bee this week. See if we can crank out another quilt top in a few hours!!!!