How's your weekend? How's Easter been? Do you have a long weekend due to the Easter holiday? If so, enjoy!!! ; )
Scott & I do not have a long weekend. Easter hasn't really been a celebrated holiday in our home (shh, don't tell the Easter bunny or the "big man upstairs" either!) None the less, it is the weekend & that's been a GOOD thing!!!
We've been unusually busy...see the photos...
This is our current state! While progress has been made, there is still more work to be done. We did have a bit of a respite for nourishment (it's our Christmas ham thawed & renewed!). ; ) Hope you are enjoying your some chocolate for me!!! ; )
Piecefully, Pam
Pam, your house looks beautiful! Nice job to you and Scott. We had a lovely Easter. No Bunny Hops, but Veronica told the Peep Nation story. Now Joe's sisters want the bunny hop recipe, if that's OK. Have a wonderful day and see you all on Wednesday.
Pam - looks very busy and yummy - I have to ask - what the heck are those white things all lined up? Cannot figure that out! Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I stipple quilted a quilt! I channeled Cathy and Dolores the whole time. Thank you girls for the inspiration. Looking forward to bee this week - on Wednesday night - at the Henderson abode! This Sunday morning is the Donor Dash at the Art Museum. Also wanted to let the ex-guild members know that Gloria Armstrong's husband died. She is one of the truly nice, funny folks in the guild and I just wanted to pass that along to say a quick prayer for her. LA - can't believe you had someone refuse the flowers on Saturday - can't wait to hear about that! Enjoy the day...piece.
Hi girls--
Jean---I thought the very same thing!! What are those white things?? Then I thought they were shoe holders. Pam--am I right??
Hope everyone had a good Easter.
Dear Quilt Mamas,
I noticed "Examiner" is looking for reporters for the Philly area sewing, quilting and knitting communities. Naturally, I thought of you.
Matt "Two Pockets" Hicks
Hope everyone enjoyed the Easter weekend!! Looking forward to Wednesday. Really...what are those white things?!?!
Peaceful thoughts and prayers to Harry Kalas and his in peace.
Amen for poor Harry won't be the same.
Must ask - why 'Two Pockets'?
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